

Welding machine in all position for welding big diameter pressure steel pipe

  • 摘要: 分析了自行设计的大直径压力钢管全位置自动焊机,该焊机包括行走轨道、夹紧装置、摆动控制电路、跟踪控制电路等几个部分。为了保证在焊接过程中齿轮的齿依此与齿块上侧隙变形的齿啮合,齿轮的齿数不能为3的倍数。夹紧装置轴承轮与轨道的接触为点接触,保证在焊接弯曲的工件时,小车在轨道上爬行的稳定性。对于无坡口的情况设计摆动控制电路,可以分别调节摆幅、摆速和两边的停留时间。对于有坡口的情况,设计了跟踪控制电路。通过实际施焊,得出了相应焊接工艺。该焊机在三峡二期工程左厂11号~14号压力钢管及湖北省兴山县古洞口水电工程引水压力钢管的焊接施工中得到了成功应用。


    Abstract: Problems of big diameter pressure steel pipe welding in all position are discussed. Welding machine in all position is designed, including track,clipping equipment, weaving controlling circuit and tracing controlling circuit. In order to contact with gear and gear block the number of gear is not divided by three because the number of the gear block is three. For welding without groove, weaving time, weaving distance and stop time can be ehanged independently. Adopting to width of groove and auto groove tracing can be achieved by the sensor in tracing mode. The welding machine has been applied to weld pressure steel pipe in GUKOU water power station and 11-14# pressure steel pipes in three gorges hydro-electric power station suceessfully.


