

Study on Carbides in Surfacing Layer

  • 摘要: 利用扫描电镜、光谱分析、X射线衍射、能谱分析及波谱面扫描对含(质量分数,%)C0.84,Ti1.46,V1.3的堆焊层进行了试验研究,并对碳化物在液态金属中形成条件进行了热力学分析。结果表明,强碳化物元素Ti主要存在于碳化物相,为焊缝提供耐磨硬质点。TiC能在液态熔体中形成,初生TiC呈块状均匀分布,尺寸较大(2~5μm)。焊缝中还有大量细小碳化物,多为Ti、V、Cr的复合碳化物,呈条状或细小粒状。


    Abstract: Investigation on the carbides in surfacing layer was comprehensively conducted by scanning electron microscope (SEM),X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction,energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS) and wave dispersive spectrometry (WDS).The thermodynamic condition for the formation of carbides in liquid metal was calculated.The content of Ti and C in the welding metal were 1.46% and 0.84% respectively.Most of titanium in surfacing layer existed in the form of carbides which include the carbides formed in liquid solution and the secondary carbides.The originally precipitated carbides were TiC which were quadrilateral like (2~5 μm in lateral length) and distributed evenly.The secondary carbides were complex carbides of Ti,V and Cr,and they appeared as thin strip or fine granule.


