

Research on Defect Detection and Evaluation in WeldS with X-Rays

  • 摘要: 分析了焊缝X射线检测方法的现状,指出了目前存在的主要问题;介绍了焊缝X射线检测结果的人工评定和计算机辅助评定方法,论述了国内外焊缝X射线检测结果计算机辅助识别的研究现状。研究结果表明,X射线数字实时成像技术是焊缝射线检测的发展方向,焊缝射线数字图像的计算机自动分析与识别技术是射线实时成像技术成功应用的基础。


    Abstract: The current technical level of inspection of welds with Xrays is analyzed and with which some drawbacks are pointed out. Approaches based on human inspector or computer to detect and evaluate radiographic films and digital radiographic images of welds are introduced respectively. The state-of-the-art of automated evaluation of digitized radiographs and digital radiographic images of welds is described in detail. It is concluded that the digital radioscopy is the tendency of defect detection in welds and the technology about automatic identification and evaluation of X-rays digital image are the foundation of making digital radioscopy a success.


