

Study on Mlcrostructures and Corrosion-wear Performance of Plasma Surfacing Alloy Deposits

  • 摘要: 在16Mn钢表面等离子堆焊自熔性铁基合金层(Fe55)、镍基合金层(Ni60)以及镍基WC合金(NWC25),并对三种堆焊层进行了显微组织、X射线衍射分析、硬度及在三种不同腐蚀介质下的磨损试验。结果表明,合金堆焊层的显微组织均为γ固溶体基体上分布着多种复杂的化合物相,如Fe23(C,B)6,(Cr,Fe)7C3,Cr7C3,NiB等。NWC25堆焊层具有最高的硬度和耐磨性;合金堆焊层在稀H2SO4和稀NaOH溶液介质中的耐磨性与在中性水中相比都有所降低,在酸性介质中降低更加明显。


    Abstract: Microstmctures,X-ray diffractions,hardness and wear corrosion resistance of iron based, nickel based and nickel-based WC plasma surfacing alloy deposits on the l6Mn steel were tested.It was shown that the microstructures of alloy deposits were consisted of y phase and some intetmetallic compounds, for example, Fe23(C,B)6, (Cr,Fe)7C3, Cr7,C3, NiB and WC etc.Nickel based WC alloy overlay deposits had the highest hardness and wear cornrsion resistance.The wear resistance of alloy overlay deposits in (pH6) acid and NaOH(pH8) liquor media were the lower than that in the neutral water,especially in HC1 acid liquor.


