

Filling Strategy of Multi-pass Welding

  • 摘要: 提出了一种可用于机器人焊接大型V形焊接接头多道焊填充策略。通过分析各种焊道截面形状,给出V形接头第一层敷设一道焊道,由第二层开始每增加一层也相应的增加一道焊道的敷设方法;在采用等截面积焊道的条件下,推导出从第二层开始以后有近似相等的层高,从而提出了设定多道焊焊接层数以及每层焊道数的规划方法。该填充策略具有各焊道截面积相等、所有焊道的焊接参数均相同、规划简单及适应性强的优点,克服了以往填充策略中焊接参数频繁变化、焊接质量不易保证的不足。试验表明,应用这种填充策略可保证大型焊接接头的焊接质量。


    Abstract: In this paper, a new filling strategy for multi-pass welding, which can be used in robotic welding, is put forward. By analyzing the shapes of the across areas of various kinds of beads in one joint, this paper gives out a build-up and welding sequence for V groove that the number of beads in a certain layer is equal to the ordinal number of the layer. With the equal across area of each bead in one joint, we work out that there is the equal layer height in the later layers from the second layer. So the filling strategy which plans the number of layers and the number of the beads in each layer for a V-type joint is presented. Using this filling strategy, the across areas of each beads are equal and the welding parameters are invariable. It overcomes the shortcoming of the filling strategies used before,in which welding parameters alternate frequently and are difficult to program. The welding test shows that the filling strategy could ensure the better quality of the joints.


