Thermal-fatigue of Roller Surfacing Metal
摘要: 通过设计的热疲劳试验方法,对三种自制药芯焊丝和一种国产堆焊轧辊用实心焊丝的耐热疲劳性能及其影响因素进行了深入研究,同时对堆焊金属中热疲劳裂纹形成以及扩展机理做了进一步探讨。研究表明,堆焊金属中热疲劳裂纹的形成以及扩展是循环应力和氧化气氛共同作用的结果,堆焊金属的抗氧化性越高,抗启裂能力越强,在此基础上,得出了热疲劳裂纹形成以及扩展的机理模型图。另外,研究结果还表明,堆焊金属的组织以及组织中存在的夹杂物对耐热疲劳性能也有很大影响,均一的组织有利于提高其耐热疲劳性能,而夹杂物则促使热疲劳裂纹形成、扩展、分叉。Abstract: By means of self-designed test method, thermal-fatigue resistance and influence factor for surfacing metal of three self-produced flux-cored wires and one solid wire for roller hardfacing were studied deeply. The mechanisms of thermal-fatigue crack initiation and extension were investigated. The results show that the thermal-fatigue crack initiation and extension were related to cycle stress and high-temperature oxidation. The more oxidation resistance, the more crack initiation resisting. Besides, thermal-fatigue resistance were effected by microstructure and inclusion in surfacing wetal. The homogeneous microstructure is advantageous to increase thermal-fatigue resistance, but inclusions facilitate the initiation, extension and branch of crack.