Calculative Pattern of Laser Welding Stability for Titanium Alloys
摘要: 钛合金激光焊接过程的不稳定性并不是由于焊接工艺参数波动而引起的偶然现象,而是激光焊接方法所固有的一种规律性,其特征表现为,在一定的焊接工艺区间,焊缝熔深和熔宽无规则剧烈波动,焊接模式在稳定热导焊和稳定深熔焊之间来回跳变,因此,钛合金的激光焊接应具有上下两个能量临界点。在小孔形成的临界条件附近,光导致等离子体对激光能量吸收的波动与钛合金材料汽化过程的非平衡特性是产生钛合金激光焊接过程不稳定性的根本原因。本文在深入分析钛合金激光焊接过程不稳定性产生机理的基础上,结合激光焊接过程能量传输的特点,提出钛合金激光焊接稳定性临界条件的计算模型。Abstract: Instability during laser welding of titanium alloys is not an incidental phenomenon, which results from the fluctuation of welding process parameters. It is a sort of inherent disciplinein in laser welding possesses. The penetration depth and width of weld undulate irregularly and intensively under some conditions and the welding mode transforms between conductive and penetrative ones. So there should be two critical energy points for laser welding of titanium alloys. When the welding process is in the range of conditions in which the Penetrative hole forms, laser-induced Plasma absorbs laser energy in a fluctuant state. At the same time, the vaporization procedure of titanium alloys presents unbalanced speciality. These two factors cause instability in the laser welding of titanium alloys. Based on the mechanism of instability and characteristics of energy transmission during laser welding of titanium alloys that are deeply analyzed in this thesis,the calculative pattern of critical conditions for laser welding stability of titanium alloys is finally deduced.