

Grain Growth in HAZ of Ultra-fine Grain Steels

  • 摘要: 研究了低碳钢、普通市售X65钢和高洁净度X65钢三种超细晶粒钢焊接HAZ的晶粒长大倾向。试验结果表明,这些超细晶粒钢都具有严重的晶粒长大倾向;低碳超细晶粒钢比X65细晶粒钢有更为严重的晶粒长大,这是因为前者不含有能阻碍晶粒长大的稳定碳、氮化物形成元素Nb和Ti,而后者中含有这些元素;高洁净度X65超细晶粒钢的HAZ晶粒长大倾向小于普通市售X65超细晶粒钢。这是因为钢中杂质元素含量越多,α→γ转变温度越低,即Ac3点越低,在同样的焊接热循环条件下,普通市售X65超细晶粒钢中的γ晶粒在高温停留时间就越长,晶粒长大的程度也就越大。


    Abstract: In this paper,the grain growth in the HAZ of three kinds of ultra-fine grain steels such as low carbon steel,commercial X65 steel and high purity X65 steel were evaluated. Experimental results show that these ultra-fine grain steels are prone to serious grain coarsening. The low carbon ultra-fine grain steel has more serious grain growth in its HAZ than the ultra-fine grain X65 steels. It is because that the low carbon ultra-fine grain steel doesnt contain niobium and titanium, while ultra-fine grain X65 steels contain these elements. The high purity ultra-fine X65 steel has less grain growth tan commercial ultra-fine grain X65 steel. It is because that the higher the ultra-fine gain X65 steel's purity is,the higher the phase transformation temperature from α to γ is,that is to say, the lower Ac3 is. As a result, under the same condition, the shorter the time of the γ phase in the commercial X65 steel staying in high temperature is,the bigger the grain growth in its HAZ is.


