

High Hardness and Wear-resistant Complex Alloy of Room Temperature Surfacing

  • 摘要: 运用正交试验法,试验测定了不同成分的熔炼焊剂与不同合金含量的陶质焊剂复合堆焊时,堆敷金属的主要成分、含量及渣系对堆焊层硬度与韧性的影响规律,探讨了其中各种合金元素的合适含量及比例、复合变质剂和活性剂的含量及影响、渣系的合理调整等,找出了陶质焊剂的最佳配方及合适的熔炼焊剂,并检测了其堆敷金属的硬度、耐磨性能、抗裂性能和金相组织,最终研制出了一种冷焊不裂、抗磨损性能不减、焊层硬度达HRC60的高硬度、高耐磨性自动堆焊复合合金。该研究对各种大型构件物料磨损面,在常温下自动堆焊提供了一定的参考数据。


    Abstract: By testing the fused-flux of various ingredient and the ceramic-flux of various alloy content in complex surfacing,effect laws of main ingredient and content and slag series on surfacing layer are examined.Among suitable content and ratio of various alloy elements,both contents of complex degenerate agent and activator,as well as rational adjustment of slag series are all studied.A very good prescription of ceramic-flux and a suitable fused-flux have been found out.Moreoverm,thsted the hardness and resistance to wear and crack,as well as metallographic structure in surfacing layer.Finally,a surfacing complex alloy of high hardness and wear-resistand has been created,which does not crack at room temperature and not reduce resisting of abrasive-surface and the hardness of its surfacing layer is keeped with 60HRC.It provided fixed reference data for automatic submerged arc welding of various huge abrasive-surface.


