Switching Welding Power Source Controlled by Microcomputer
摘要: 阐述了开发开关式弧焊电源的实际意义,分析了开关式弧焊电源和微机控制系统的原理和组成,在新型弧焊电源研制方面做了一些有益的探索。作者设计的微机控制的开关式弧焊电源采用大功率开关晶体管,使其工作在"开"与"关"的状态,克服了模拟式晶体管弧焊电源效率不高的缺点,工作状态比较稳定,同时运用单片机控制,实现了焊接参数的预置功能,以及反馈控制技术对焊接电压Uf进行调节,从而获得熔化极弧焊电源的所需外特性。Abstract: The paper introduces the real value of the switching power source designed by authors and the systemic analysis of the principle and constitution of the power supply including the microcomputer controlling system. The authors put forward some viewpoints about the new welding power source. The power source which is controlled by the microcomputer system in this paper adopts the giant transistor (GTR),and have it work in both the condition of "on" and "off".Therefore,it overwhelms lower efficiency of analogue transistor power source,and keeps a stable operation state. In the meantime,the power source makes use of single chip microcomputer controlling technology and realizes the function of previous setting up the welding parameters. This power can also modify the welding voltage Uf through feedback controlling so that gets constant voltage characteristic.