

Technological Performanca of Nickel-based Amorphous and Crystalline Brazing Filler Metals

  • 摘要: 对Ni82.5Cr7Si4.5B3Fe3成分镍基非晶态钎料在不同钎焊规范下真空钎焊1Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢时的工艺性能进行了系统性研究,并与相同化学成分的粉状和粘带状晶态钎料进行了比较;考察了非晶态钎料预晶化处理后其工艺性能的变化。结果表明,非晶态钎料对母材的润湿性能稍优于粉状晶态钎料,而明显优于粘带状钎料,非晶态钎料预晶化处理后其润湿性能有改善。研究还表明,对Ni82.5Cr7Si4.5B3Fe3成分的镍基钎料而言,决定其工艺性能优劣的因素不在于其是否为非晶态,而取决于钎料的成分、杂质及气体含量,以及钎料原始状态下元素和组织分布的均匀程度,非晶态钎料正是由于杂质和气体含量极微、元素和组织分布极为均匀,才具有良好的钎焊工艺性能。


    Abstract: In the high temperature vacuum brazing of 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel, the technological performance of nickel-based amorphous brazing filler metal has been systematically investigated, and is compared with that of crystalline brazing filler metals, which have the same chemical composition as the amorphous one. The influence of the pre-crystallization treatment on the technological performance of the amorphous brazing filler metal has also been evaluated.The results indicated that the amorphous one has better wettability than the powder-form and ribbon-form crystalline one, and the pre-crystallization treatment can improve the wettability of the amorphous one. In addition, the results also show that the technological performance of brazing filler metal depends upon its chemical composition control, contaminant and gas content, as well as distribution uniformity of elements and microstructures in brazing filler metals.no matter the brazing filler matel is amorphous or crystalline. It is due to few contaminant and gas content as well as the extremely uniform distribution of elements and microstructures which results in the amorphous brazing filler matel having good technological performance.


