

Pulsed Rotating-spray Transfer During MAG Welding

  • 摘要: 研究直流反极性脉冲MAG焊旋转喷射过渡的熔滴过渡特性、电弧现象与焊缝成形。试验结果指出:如果选定的脉冲峰值电流值高于连续旋转喷射过渡的转变电流值,随着脉冲能量的不断增大,熔滴过渡特性将从脉冲轴向射流过渡转变为脉冲旋转喷射过渡,同时焊接电弧现象和焊缝成形等亦发生变化,例如焊缝熔宽与焊丝熔化速度会突然的增大。


    Abstract: The characteristics of metal transfer,arc phenomena and shapes of weld in DCRP PC-MAG welding with pulsed rotating-spray mode are studied in this paper.It is indicated that if the choosed peak value of pulsed current is higher than the transition current(critical current) of continuous rotating spray transfer,the characteristics of metal transfer may change from pulsed axial streaming transfer to pulsed rotating-spray transfer with the continuous increase of pulse energy,simultaneously, the changes in are phenomena and shapes of weld will take place also,for example,weld width and wire feed speed will increas suddeuly.


