Development of Pulsed Square Wave AC MIG/TIG Welding Power Source
摘要: 主要介绍双凹波形脉冲氩弧焊电源的工作原理。电源采用方框外特性,提出了一种新颖的双凹形电流波形作为电源的静特性,并研究了电源动特性的影响及其控制。试验表明,此电源可以用于交流MIG焊,不加任何稳弧措施即可实现电弧稳定,工艺性能良好。是一种发展前景广阔的弧焊电源。Abstract: The paper deals with the basic principles of the pulsed square wave AC MIG/TIG welding power source.It has a square static characteristic curve and a new "double concave" welding current waveform.The specially required dynamic characteristic has been studied and achieved.This power source may be used satisfactorilly in the AC MIG welding without any arc stablizaer.