

Welding technology optimizing system of low alloy steel

  • 摘要: 在焊接领域内多方位的开发和研制计算机辅助焊接(CAW)系统具有重大的技术和经济意义。本文采用c++语言自行设计了低合金钢焊接工艺优化系统。系统涉及到了3种焊接方法和12种低合金钢母材以及多种焊接材料。采用c-WORTHY作为菜单生成工具,使系统具有由鼠标和热键自由控制的彩色窗口和菜单。采用正、逆向推理相结合的推理技术,通过彩色窗口和菜单递推逐级显示用户咨询的目标。该系统可在X86-PC计算机及兼容机上运行,可移植性好。可采用屏幕显示和打印输出结果。


    Abstract: In this paper, a welding technology optimizing system of low alloy steel has been designed with Borland C++ language.The system concerns three kinds of welding technology methods、twelve kinds of low alloy steels and many kinds of welding consumables.Having used C-Worthy as menu constructor,the system has color windows and menus which can be controlled by both hot keys and mouse buttons freely.Having applied reasoning technology combined forward with backward, user's target may be displayed gradually through a set of color windows and menus.With better portability,the system which exports its results on CRT or printer,also can be execut in any kinds of X86-PC computer or its compatable one.


