

Stability of plasma under shallow water

  • 摘要: 从水与等离子弧相互作用的角度出发,系统地研究浅水下等离子弧的稳定性。首先深入分析水下等离子弧现象,找出相应的物理量来刻划等离子弧的稳定过程,并在对该物理量进行统计分析的基础上,提出表证等离子弧稳定程度的指标-电压稳定性因子;进而找出造成等离子弧不稳定的因素,探讨提高等离子弧稳定性的措施。


    Abstract: In this paper,stability of plasma under shallow water is systemetically studied,in the way of mutual reaction between water and plasms,First,the phenomena of underwater plasma are thoroughly analysed to find out a corresponding variable used to describe the stable state of underwater plasma, and a stability index of underwater plasma-voltage stability factor is suggested on the base of statistical analysing of the variable. Then,the factors which cause plasma to be uI1stable are pointed out and the methods which irnpldve plasrns stability are researched.


