

Influnce of weld thermal cycle on properties of 10Ni5CrMoV steel

  • 摘要: 本文采用模拟焊接热循环的方法,研究了不同峰温和t8/5条件下10Ni5CrMoV钢热影响区的性能变化。试验结果表明,随着单次热循环峰温的提高,热影响区韧性下降;当t8/5≤40s时,随着t8/5的增加,热影响区韧性逐渐增加,当t8/5>40s时,随着t8/5的增加,热影响区的韧性明显下降。多次热循环时峰温的变化对冲击功影响不明显,但当第一次加热到1350℃后第二次加热到950℃时出现了组织遗传现象,文章对其特征和产生条件作了说明。


    Abstract: In this paper,by weld themo-simulation test with different peak temperatures and t8/5,the variation of HAZ properties of 10Ni5CrMoV steel was studied.The results obtained from the test showed that when the peak temperature of single thermal cycle increased,the HAZ impact toughness decreased, when t8/5≤40s,the impact toughness increased with t8/5 raising,but when t8/5 40s, the HAZ impact to ughness evidently decreased with t8/5 raising.The variation of temperature in repeately thermal cycle had no remarkable effect on the impact toughness.But when the peak temperature of the thermal cycle was 1350℃ firstly and 950℃ secondly,thehistogenetic phenomenon appeared in the HAZ.It's features and producing condition were explained in this paper.


