Thermo-equilibdum in welding are plasmas
摘要: 本文从理论分析和试验验证两个方面,对焊接电弧过硬的热平衡特点、限度以及影响因素进行了较为深入的观察和探讨。分析和计算了焊接电弧系统达到LTE状态对电子密度和平衡恢复时间在数量级上的要求。实现了对焊接电弧筹离子体LTE状态的试验验证。本文的工作是焊接电弧的热力学研究及其实际应用的一个重要基础。Abstract: Critcria for the existence of local thermal equilibrium(LTE) in welding are plasmas are invcstigated and discussed in both theoretical analyze and experimental measurement,including the required order of the electron density,the restoration time for LTE as well as the influence of the are process on the establishment of LTE. This work may providc a fundamental considcration in thermodynamic research and its application of welding are plasmas.