

Incoloy 800 transient liquid insert metal-bonding methods

  • 摘要: 本文介绍了用于航天工业的铁基合金-Incoloy800液相扩散焊接技术,探讨了中间夹层的选择及母材表面合金化的手段,观察分析了焊缝组织及其机械性能。研究表明,中间夹层选择的成功与否是影响液相扩散焊接的主要因素之一。通过试验,找出了中间夹层中硼、碳、硅三种元素的足洼添加量。试验证明,采用激光喷镀法使母材表面合金化的手段是可行的。但镀层底部局部起伏不平导致焊缝形生成相影响了焊缝的机械性能。通过各种方法观察焊缝组织,可知,中间夹层法和镀层法均可形成无焊接缺陷的良好接头状态。


    Abstract: In this paper,Incoloy 800 Transicnt Liquid Insert Metal-bonding Methods,widly used in space technology,hvae been introduced,and the choosing of insert metal and the alloying of base metal surface have been probed.he bonded joints and their mechanical properties have been analysed.It has been proved that the choice of insert metal could be one of the main factors influcncing the transient liquid insert metal bonding.The optimum amount of the elements,boron,carbon and silioen added to insert metal has been determincd through tests.It has been proved that the using of laser powdering as an approach to base metal alloying is feasible. This approach can reduce the bonding labour intensity and raise working effleieney.But the mechanical properties of the bonded joint can be critically influenccd by the insertlaycr formed,due to the uneven rising and falling in the bottom area of the cladding layer.It has been also verifled that bonded joints without defect can be got by both insert metal bonding and powder bonding.


