

Simulation study on ultrasonic propagation characteristics of Al2O3/EP composites

  • 摘要: 采用COMSOL Multiphysics软件,对Al2O3/环氧树脂(Al2O3/EP)复合材料的超声波传播特性进行了仿真. 对于颗粒增强的树脂基复合材料,由于树脂基体的高声衰减特性及其存在的异质颗粒和多连接界面属性,导致检测难,文中主要针对GIS用Al2O3/EP复合材料微观结构中存在的典型颗粒团聚现象和颗粒/树脂连接界面存在的间隙特征,通过建立数值仿真模型,对比Al2O3不同颗粒形状和含量对超声波传播的影响规律,以及不同界面间隙尺寸对超声波能量穿透影响规律. 结果表明,Al2O3颗粒几何形状和团聚现象对超声的传播产生一定影响,其中多边形团聚颗粒比同尺寸圆形颗粒对超声波的衰减作用更大,约高出1.9%;且随着添加Al2O3颗粒含量的增加,由于异质连接界面的增多,声波传播速度减慢,对比20%含量较10%一次底波压力信号增强了约40%左右;对颗粒与基体界面间隙尺寸的影响研究发现,随着间隙大小的增加,穿透Al2O3颗粒的超声能量大幅减弱.综合分析,Al2O3颗粒增强的树脂基复合材料GIS盆子超声检测,对超声衰减特性的影响规律由大到小依次为Al2O3/环氧树脂连接界面间隙的存在—异质连接界面—颗粒几何形状.


    Abstract: In this paper, the ultrasonic propagation characteristics of Al2O3/EP composites are simulated by COMSOL Multiphysics software. For particle reinforced resin matrix composites, it is difficult to detect due to the high sound attenuation characteristics of the resin matrix and the existence of heterogeneous particles and multi-connection interface properties. In this paper, a numerical simulation model is established for the typical particle agglomeration phenomenon in the microstructure of Al2O3/EP composites for GIS and the gap characteristics at the particle/resin interface. The effects of different Al2O3 particle shapes and contents on ultrasonic propagation and the effects of different interface gap sizes on ultrasonic energy penetration were compared. The results show that the geometric shape and agglomeration of Al2O3 particles have a certain influence on the propagation of ultrasonic wave, and the polygonal agglomerated particles have a greater attenuation effect on ultrasonic wave than the circular particles of the same size, about 1.9% higher; With the increase of the content of Al2O3 particles, the acoustic wave propagation speed slows down due to the increase of the heterogeneous connection interface. Compared with the 10% primary bottom wave pressure signal, the 20% content is enhanced by about 40%. The research on the influence of the gap size on the interface between the particles and the matrix shows that the ultrasonic energy penetrating the Al2O3 particles is greatly weakened with the increase of the gap size. Comprehensive analysis, Al2O3 particle reinforced resin matrix composite GIS basin ultrasonic testing, the influence of ultrasonic attenuation characteristics from large to small in turn is the existence of Al2O3/EP interface gap— heterogeneous connection interface— particle geometry.


