

Shear properties of the sapphire/ interlayer / TC4 alloy brazed joints using Ag-Cu-Ti Filler Metals

  • 摘要: 陶瓷/金属钎焊连接面临钎料对陶瓷表面润湿性差和钎焊接头残余应力难缓解等问题,文中分析了Ag-Cu-Ti系活性钎料和中间层特性对蓝宝石/TC4合金钎焊接头剪切性能的影响. 结果表明,随着Ti元素含量增加,Ag-Cu-Ti系钎料熔化温度升高,固液相线温度区间相同. Ag-Cu-3Ti钎料熔化物相主要包括银基、钛基和晶体相等,晶体相主要包括CuTi,Cu3Ti,CuO,TiO,Cu2O,Ti2O和TiAg等;蓝宝石与钎料之间形成致密冶金反应层,其组织主要由银基、铜基固溶体和多种稳定金属间化合物组成. 采用Ag-Cu-3Ti钎料在870 ℃/20 min钎焊工艺下,添加0.2 mm 4J29片、铜片、钼片、钛纤维多孔材料、2 mm 铜和钼片作中间层,钎焊蓝宝石/TC4合金接头剪切强度分别为26.74 MPa,15.20 MPa,15.78 MPa,3.11 MPa,23.73 MPa和30.49 MPa,蓝宝石/ 2 mm 钼片/ TC4合金钎焊接头剪切强度较理想.


    Abstract: Ceramic/metal brazing connections faces problems such as poor wetting of the ceramic surface by brazing metal and difficulty in alleviating the residual stress of joints. The effects of Ag-Cu-Ti active brazing metal and the interlayer on the shear properties of the sapphire/TC4 alloy brazed joints were studied. The results show that with the increase of Ti elements content, the melting temperature of Ag-Cu-Ti brazing metals increased slightly, the solid-liquid temperature range remained unchanged. The melted phases of Ag-Cu-3Ti brazing metal mainly included Ag base phase, Ti base phase, crystal phase, etc., the crystal phase included CuTi, Cu2Ti, Cu3Ti, CuO, TiO, Cu2O, Ti2O, TiAg, etc. A dense metallurgical reaction layer formed between the sapphire and filler metals, its structure was mainly composed of Ag based, Cu based solid solutions and various stable intermetallic compounds. The sapphire/TC4 alloy brazing was completed at 870 ℃/20 min using Ag-Cu-3Ti filler metal and adding 0.2 mm 4J29 sheet, Cu sheet, Mo sheet, titanium fiber porous material, and 2 mm Cu and Mo sheet as the interlayer. The shear strengths of brazed sapphire/TC4 alloy joints were 26.74 MPa, 15.20 MPa, 15.78 MPa, 3.11 MPa, 23.73 MPa, and 30.49 MPa, respectively. The shear strength of brazed sapphire/2 mm Mo sheet/TC4 alloy joints was ideal.


