
激光直接沉积成形 AerMet100 高强钢的显微组织和力学性能

Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultra-high strength AerMet 100 Steel formed by laser metal deposition

  • 摘要: 采用正交试验制备了激光直接沉积成形(LMD)AerMet100高强钢,借助光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、电子探针、显微硬度仪、室温拉伸及冲击试验对制备的合金显微组织和力学性能进行了研究. 结果表明:激光沉积成形AerMet100高强钢的优化线能量区间为170 ~ 250 J/mm;沉积组织为沿凝固方向的由板条状马氏体与胞状枝晶边界的残余奥氏体组成的柱状胞晶,板条状马氏体由奥氏体在激光成形过程的快速冷却形成,而残余奥氏体主要由于凝固过程中奥氏体稳定化元素Cr、Mo、Ni元素偏析形成;沉积态硬度与基材硬度相当,但由于沉积过程中的热量累积促使基体中的回火马氏体发生高温回火,使得在沉积方向上存在明显的热影响区(HAZ)软化;通过工艺优化激光沉积成形AerMet100高强钢在P = 1700 W,Vs = 10 mm/s时获得较优异的综合力学性能,抗拉强度、屈服强度分别达1865.3 MPa、1585.5 MPa,断后伸长率达12.4%. 通过断口形貌分析,随着线能量密度的降低,拉伸断口剪切唇消失,韧窝深度变浅;冲击断口解理面增大,由韧性断裂转变为脆性断裂.


    Abstract: Ultra-high strength AerMet 100 Steel was prepared by laser direct deposition. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloy were studied by optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, electron probe, microhardness tester, tensile testing at ambient temperature and impact test. The results show that The energy of laser forming line suitable for AerMet100 high strength steel is 175 ~ 210 J/mm. Considering the forming efficiency and fine crystal effect, the process parameters with high forming speed should be preferred.The deposited structure is columnar cellular crystal along the solidification direction, which is mainly composed of the lamellar martensite and residual austenite at the cellular dendrite boundary. The lamellar martensite is mainly due to the rapid cooling during laser forming process, while the residual austenite is mainly due to the segregation of Cr, Mo and Ni elements. The hardness of the deposition is similar to the substrate, but there is obvious softening of the heat affected zone in the deposition direction, which is mainly due to the heat accumulation in the deposition process to promote the tempering of tempered martensite in the matrix at high temperature. The superior mechanical properties of AerMet100 high strength steel were obtained by laser deposition when P = 1700 W, Vs = 10 mm/s. The tensile strength and yield strength reached 1865.3 MPa and 1585.5 MPa, respectively, and the elongation after breaking reached 12.4%. With the decrease of linear energy density, the shear lip of tensile fracture disappears and the depth of dimple becomes shallow. The impact fracture surface increases and the ductile fracture changes to brittle fracture.


