

Effect of ultrasound in the bonding process of MB8/Cu/2024 dissimilar alloys

  • 摘要: 文中采用超声波辅助瞬间液相扩散(ultrasonic-assisted transient liquid phase, U-TLP)连接实现了大气环境下MB8/Cu/2024异种金属的快速可靠连接. 连接过程分为3个阶段,固/固界面阶段—声致氧化膜去除及金属颗粒剥离、固/液转化阶段—固态界面摩擦产热致反应液相出现和液/液界面反应阶段—声致液态加速界面反应. 研究表明,在固/固界面阶段,纵向超声促使MB8/Cu界面和2024/Cu界面上产生x方向和y方向相对位移,在剪切应力的作用下,摩擦导致Al颗粒、Cu颗粒剥落,氧化膜部分去除;在固/液转化阶段,超声促使2024/Cu界面摩擦产生温升,在达到共晶反应温度后开始出现Al2Cu + α-Al液相;在液/液界面反应阶段,超声空化与声流效应使得MB8/Cu界面、2024/Cu界面产生z方向位移场与声压场,加速Al2Cu + α-Al和Mg2Cu + α-Mg共晶生成,完成连接.MB8/2024异种金属接头抗剪强度最高为64 MPa.


    Abstract: Ultrasonic-assisted transient liquid phase (U-TLP) bonding was used to realize the fast and reliable bonding of MB8/Cu/2024 dissimilar alloys in air. The joining process was divided into three stages, solid/solid interface stage-acoustic-induced stripping of metal particles and removal of oxide films, solid/liquid transformation stage-frictional heat generation of solid interface led to appearance of reactive liquid phases and liquid/liquid interface reaction stage- ultrasonic accelerated interfacial reaction in liquid. The results showed that in the solid/solid interface stage, the longitudinal ultrasound can cause relative displacement in the x- direction and y-direction on the interfaces of MB8/Cu and 2024/Cu. And under the influence of shear stress, This displacement could lead to interfacial friction, resulting in the removal of Al and Cu particles and partial removal of the oxide film. in the solid/liquid transformation stage, 2024/Cu interface produced a temperature rise due to friction under the action of ultrasound, and Al2Cu + α-Al liquid phase began to appear after the eutectic reaction temperature was reached; In the liquid/liquid interface reaction stage, cavitation and acoustic streaming effects made MB8/Cu and 2024/Cu interfaces generate z-direction displacement field and acoustic pressure field, accelerating generation of Al2Cu + α-Al and Mg2Cu + α-Mg eutectic phases to form joining. the maximum shear strength of the MB8/2024 dissimilar metal joints was 64 MPa.


