

Flow behavior of stainless steel/carbon steel TIG welding pool surface

  • 摘要: 为研究异种钢在钨极惰性气体保护焊过程中的熔池表面流动行为,以粒子示踪法为基础,通过激光熔池表面反射的方法,对304不锈钢/Q235碳钢、316L不锈钢/Q235碳钢焊接过程中熔池表面液态金属的流动行为进行了研究,分析了熔池表面示踪粒子的运动趋势,并以此为依据计算了熔池表面液态金属的流动速度.结果表明,在不锈钢/碳钢的TIG焊过程中,熔池表面的液态金属存在从不锈钢侧流向碳钢侧的流动行为.其中,示踪粒子在304不锈钢/Q235碳钢的焊接熔池表面平均流动速度约为25.3 mm/s,在316L不锈钢/Q235碳钢的焊接熔池表面平均流动速度约为21.6 mm/s.


    Abstract: In order to study the flow behavior of molten pool surface in the process of dissimilar steel gas tungsten arc welding, based on the particle tracing method, the flow behavior of the molten pool surface during the welding process of 304 stainless steel/Q235 carbon steel and 316L stainless steel/Q235 carbon steels were studied by the laser reflection on the molten pool surface. The movement trend of tracer particles on the molten pool surface was analyzed, and the flown velocity of molten metal on the molten pool surface was calculated. The results shown that the liquid metal flows from the stainless steel side to the carbon steel side during the TIG welding process, and the average flow velocity of tracer particles on the molten pool surface of 304 stainless steel/Q235 carbon steel was about 25.3 mm/s, and the average flow velocity of tracer particles on the surface of 316L stainless steel/Q235 carbon steel was about 21.6 mm/s.


