

Effect of process parameters on weld quality during double-pulsed gas metal arc welding of dissimilar stainless steel

  • 摘要: 针对2205与316L异种不锈钢材料焊接工艺参数难控制的问题,采用双脉冲熔化极气体保护焊(DP-MIG)工艺分别研究了强、弱脉冲个数与焊接速度对焊缝成形质量的影响,利用小波分析仪采集并分析了焊接过程中的电参数,对获得的对接焊缝进行了拉伸试验与金相分析.结果表明,焊接速度对焊缝质量影响最大,其次为弱脉冲个数、强脉冲个数,不同的强弱脉冲个数对焊缝质量的影响较小;接头断裂主要发生在焊缝处与靠近焊缝的母材316L一侧;随着焊接速度增加,焊接热输入减小,冷却速度变快,缩短铁素体发生转变的时间,导致金相组织相对细小.


    Abstract: To solve the problem of welding process parameters are difficult to control on dissimilar stainless steel(2205 and 316L), the double-pulsed melting inert-gas welding (DP-MIG) was conducted on the 2205 duplex stainless steel and 316L stainless steel. The effects of the number of strong pulses, the number of weak pulses and the welding speed were studied. The electrical parameters in the welding process were collected through the wavelet analyzer. In addition, the mechanical tensile and metallographic tests were executed. The results demonstrated that the welding speed had the highest impact on the welding quality among all three factors, which was followed by the number of weak pulses and the number of strong pulses had the least impact. The welded seam obtained by various numbers of strong and weak pulses was relatively uniform, indicating that the effect of the number of strong and weak pulses on the welded seam was relatively low. The tensile fracture mainly occurred in the joint and the base material part of the 316L stainless steel. When the welding speed was increased, the heat input reduced during the welding of the welded seam, the cooling rate of the welded seam accelerated, whereas the ferrite transition duration reduced, which led to a relatively fine structure.


