

Parameters optimization of small scale spot welding for titanium alloy via Taguchi experiment and grey relational analysis

  • 摘要: 为了获取最优的钛合金点焊接头性能,选取了焊接时间、焊接电流和电极压力为影响焊点性能的工艺参数,对厚度为0.4 mm的TC2钛合金进行焊接试验. 以焊点熔核直径、焊点拉剪试验中的最大拉剪力、最大位移值与失效能量值作为表征焊点性能优劣的指标. 采用灰色关联分析将多个表征焊点性能的指标转换为一个综合评判焊点质量的灰色综合关联度. 通过方差分析获得了使焊点质量达到最优的焊接工艺参数组合. 结果表明,综合利用灰色关联分析法与田口试验法优化微电阻点焊焊点质量的方法是有效的,可以应用于实际生产中.


    Abstract: Taguchi experimental design was utilized for the thickness of 0.4 mm TC2 titanium alloy with the purpose of optimizing the welded joint mechanical properties. The welding current, welding time and electrode force were selected as the significant process parameters and the nugget diameter, peak load; tensile shear displacement and failure energy were chosen to evaluate the qualities of the welding joints. The grey relational analysis was also employed to transform the four welding quality indexes into a gray comprehensive relational grade. The effects of the welding parameters on the welding quality were explored and the optimal combination of welding process parameters was achieved using range analysis of the experimental results. The results of validation experiments showed that this study could effectively optimize the small scale resistance spot welding quality for the titanium alloy with the thickness of 0.4 mm.


