

An improved ant colony optimization applied in programing laser welding path

  • 摘要: 传统的焊接轨迹需通过手工示教获得,示教存在柔性差、效率低、轨迹复杂等缺点. 对工业生产中的典型焊接图元进行建模,提出了一种改进蚁群算法:使用混合型信息素更新策略,提高了收敛速度并能够避免陷入局部最优,从而在较短时间内获得最佳焊接路径. 结果表明,通过仿真和实际加工验证了算法的有效性,并成功运用在激光焊接系统中.


    Abstract: In the field of laser welding, welding trajectory was acquired by teaching traditionally. However, teaching has many disadvantages such as low efficiency and complex trajectory generating. By building modules of typical graphics, and a new improved ant colony optimization algorithm was proposed which adopt a new method to update pheromone so that rate of convergence can be increased and local convergence can be avoid , in that case, shortest paths will be find in a short time. What's more, this algorithm has applied in laser welding platform.


