

Morphology and causes of cold crack in tack and finish weld of X90 high strength pipeline steel

  • 摘要: 采用力学测试、组织分析、扫描电镜和能谱分析的方法,研究了X90高强度管线钢预精焊的焊接裂纹形貌,并分析了裂纹形成原因.结果表明,X90螺旋焊钢管内焊缝上的横向裂纹为冷裂纹,裂纹在焊缝组织中呈穿晶扩展或沿晶界扩展.X90含有较多的Mn,Cr,Mo,Ni,Cu等合金元素,强度高,导致内焊缝的焊接残余应力高于裂纹的临界应力.内焊道维氏硬度比外焊道的高,且焊缝两侧的硬度分布极不对称,造成了内焊道附近的应力集中和分布不平衡.内外焊缝重合区域的扩散氢不易逸出,其含量较高,在气孔、夹渣等“陷阱”处聚集,导致裂纹产生和断口上大量氢白点形成.焊缝一次结晶所形成的连续细长的树枝晶晶界为裂纹扩展提供了“通道”.


    Abstract: The crack morphology of X90 pipeline steel weld, made by tack and finish welding, was investigated by mechanical test, microstructure analysis, SEM and EDS. Furthermore, the causes of the crack were analyzed. The results show that the transversal cracks in the inner weld bead of X90 helical welded pipe are cold crack, that initiated and grew transgranularly or along the grain boundary in the weld. The X90 steel contains a lot alloying elements such as Mn, Cr, Mo, Ni and Cu, and its strength is high. So the welding residual stress is larger than the crack critical stress. The Vickers hardness in the inner weld bead is higher than that in the outer weld bead, and the distribution of hardness on two sides of weld is very asymmetry. These results led to stress concentration and unbalance of distribution in the welded joints. Diffusible hydrogen, which highly existed in the overlap regions of inner and outer weld bead, escaped hardly from the weld metal. Therefore, the diffusible hydrogen gathered in the trap of weld defects such as gas hole and slag. This resulted in forming of cracks and lots of white splotches on the fracture surface. The continuous and elongated dendrite grain boundary, which was formed in the first crystallized microstructure of weld metal, provided a channel for the growth of crack.


