

Random vibration analysis of different electronic packaging structures

  • 摘要: 基于ABAQUS有限元软件,对同一PCB板上的QFP和PBGA两种不同封装结构,在随机振动载荷下的应力场进行了研究,并对不同封装结构性能进行了比较分析.结果表明,在随机振动载荷下,无论是QFP封装组件还是PBGA封装组件,越靠近PCB板边缘,器件的应力值越大;在同等条件下,PBGA封装器件的应力值要高于QFP封装器件;以同类封装器件中最大应力值的10%为临界点,封装器件中应力值比最大应力值低10%以上的为非薄弱元器件,其余均定义为薄弱元器件.根据该定义,对于5组QFP封装器件而言,QFP-1器件和QFP-5器件为薄弱元器件;而对于5组PBGA封装器件,仅有PBGA-3器件为非薄弱元器件.


    Abstract: The stress fields in two kinds of packaging structures on a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) under random vibration loading were analyzed based on finite element analysis (FEA) software ABAQUS. The properties of different packaging structures were compared. The results indicate that, under random vibration loading, the nearer the edge of PCB, the higher the stress. Under the same conditions, the stress in PBGA was higher than that in QFP. For the same kind of packaging, the components whose stress were at least 10% lower than the maximum stress were non-weak components, and the others were weak components. According to this definition, QFP-1 and QFP-5 are weak components for 5 sets of QFP, while PBGA-3 is non-weak component for 5 sets of PBGA.


